Pars Pro Toto

Addendum of autumn 2021. Something has changed, is it the light in our eyes? The same fragments now arrange themselves differently, lose themselves differently, into larger and weightier constellations – is it because of the two strange years that changed everything? The two triptychs are new, two directly opposite counter-worlds. They speak to each other as we spoke to ourselves, as we were alone and full of forebodings.

The image of clouds first captures our gaze; a philosopher once said, “you can’t build clouds,”and yet, isn’t cloud building our main activity as dreamers, doesn’t it actually keep us alive? Namely, when inner movement no longer has a fixed centre and the search for it has been abandoned, one is close to the clouds. At the countless centres, whole worlds blossom and then languish again – an immeasurably joyful life.

This is confronted by quite a different being: stern, dark and with three faces. Its expression is unmistakable: here is something that was fading and has therefore faded away. Here we have thoughts, or rather, shells of thoughts. Discarded or frozen – it is a strange liberation to experience the past as the past. It does not weigh us down. We look up and notice: the light has changed. It is time for our gazes to be directed towards something that is now. Because now is a fragment which is everything.

Sool Park 2021

Pars Pro Toto |   Wall Object ( Triptych) |    2021   | Treated cellulose, paint, wood, iron   |  350X190X35cm  |  Photo: Bruno Bruchi
Photo: Bruno Bruchi
Photo: Bruno Bruchi
Untitled  |   Wall Object ( Triptych) |    2021   | Treated cellulose, paint, wood, graphite, brass   |  Each panel 135X60X25cm  |  Photo: Bruno Bruchi
Photo: Bruno Bruchi
